Tuesday 12 May 2009

Review: Resident Evil - Degeneration

Ive been an avid fan of resident evil since it was first brought to our attention on the PS1. So you can imagin how suprised i am when i find that Resident Evil: Degeneration has been brought out for the iPhone.

Now I have seen the CG Film that the game is based on and i imagined it would be a pretty hefty game but unfortunatly the game only consists of the first past of the movie i.e the airport so this was a big let down for me.

For those who haven't seen the film, I would suggest watching it first before you decide to purchase the game.

The controls are ok apart from when your are trying to aim, if you move the "Joystick" too fast it tends to move Leon instead of the gun. Also, there are no voices for any of the characters only subtitles. It is true to genre with a bit of puzzle solving and a little bit more shooting zombies.

A bit blocky to be honest, seems that Capcom didn't go as far as they could with this game which is quite disappointing.
Overall this is a pretty sturdy game, its worth the £3.99 price tag .






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