Thursday 21 May 2009

Review - Sonic the Hedgehog on iPhone

Well, well, well, who would have thought thats this would stay so quiet. Sonic 1 has just been released onto the iPhone app store.
Ok, people have been expecting this for quite some time, but it amazes me how Sega have managed to keep this so quiet.

the game itself is just a port of the classic games this touch controls. it isn't flawless, it does lag at some parts in the game.
Also the price £3.49 it just a little bit pricey to be honest, i mean its not a big game like say Myst so really they could do with bringing the price down a tad.

Overall game play is good, like i said it does lag a bit the sound gets a bit muffled form time to time, but at the end of the day... its sonic.





Update: The Level select cheat code still works, well in a fashion. you have to tap the screen once then press:

Up,Down,Left,Right hold down A and press Start.

The level select screen will come up when you hit new game.


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